Call 650-292-0573 for more info
- We offer a structured, graded curriculum that includes both classical and popular skills.
- Both in person and remote lessons are available.
- Ongoing in-lesson certification which monitors each student's progress.
- We have an amazing faculty that cares about each child and their experience.
- There are 3 performance opportunities per year: the Winter Formal Recital, the Spring Family Festival and the Summer Ensemble Recital.
- Teaching opportunities! We are a teaching academy.
Our advanced students can begin our teaching Apprentice program starting in 7th grade
-Specialized Performance & Progress masterclasses that prepare students to succeed in recitals and performances.
- A friendly, social environment so that students enjoy coming to lessons, are motivated by their peers and want to stay involved in music.
- A kind, supportive and friendly staff that is responsive and informative.